Dear Exclusive Patron:

We thank you for your interest in our project and your desire to promote the Commonwealth and its community. We are happy to answer any of your questions at any time, and we provide below a few details about the Project and the ways how you can help increase your brand awareness while helping Massachusetts grow and prosper.

This Is Who We Are

WelcomeToMA© is a special media project about Boston and Massachusetts. Our project was launched in 2013 under the auspices of Massachusetts: It’s ALL Here, a state marketing partnership.

www.ILike.Boston is a digest about Boston and Massachusetts in the Russian language and a newsfeed covering the most important current events in English. We publish analytical, yet entertaining content and outline the most significant information, which brings the spotlight to MA and touches upon the following topics:

– the world’s leading educational institutions
– the most innovative “mile”
– the best scientific research group
– the most ambitious successful startups
– businesses with globally recognized brands, trademarks, and technologies
– leisure and travel, with a historical context and links to the Russian-speaking community,

and much more (please read the ABOUT section)

Currently iLike.Boston has between 150,000 and 250,000 readers as well as 25,000+ subscribers through social media. Please refer to our Media Kit for more information. We are a project of modest dimensions, but our audience is expanding year by year, and we hope to give it a further boost worldwide with the support of our Exclusive Patrons.

This Is What We Offer

We are offering an annual membership to a limited number of Patrons, whose business was founded, operates, or is headquartered in Boston, MA or Greater New England.

We invite you to join our initiative as a Patron to promote the Commonwealth and New England as a hub of business investment, education, and culture. You can do it by becoming an exclusive supporter of our digest officially operating by the nomination of the State Authorities.

We envision our prospective Patrons as companies that strive to increase the value value and scope of their business operations in countries as varied as
– Russia
– Kazakhstan
– Ukraine
– Israel
– Germany
– Canada
– Belarus
– Latvia
and more, as well as within the Russian-speaking community in the United States and other countries (Russia alone has a population of 146 million, and the number of Russian-speakers around the world is 135 million, including about 35 million people who know English and are interested in opportunities in the United States).

This Is Why It Makes Sense

We will custom-tailor content about your company using the modern creativity of our production team and years of experience in the development of media projects. The formula of individually designed media products, which target specific audiences with their respective interests, is much more efficient than general marketing tactics, even though the latter are more widely used.

The tools we apply to reach targeted audiences are high-quality textual content, audio podcasts, popular science news briefs, and video releases. These marketing vehicles are usually well received by educated consumers who have high incomes and sizeable spending leverage.

Most of the scientific, business, investment, tourist, and lifestyle stories that we create and disseminate in the Russian and English languages, are based on American sources and highlight current US trends. Massachusetts and New England as a whole provide abundant information for our weekly digest, newsfeed, and analytical publications.

The predominant type of advertisements used are native ads, integrated in, or logically linked to, corresponding articles. This ad strategy does not include any pop-ups, sign-ups, or any other things that may disturb the reader. We concentrate on disseminating native ads and news to our subscribers through SMMs and search engines.

This kind of intuitive approach helps us retain the existing audience, boost our readers’ interest, gain additional visitors, and win response to our call-to-action tools, all of it with the aim of obtaining new clients for our business partners and stimulating interest in their brand.

Your Patronage

We are looking for Patrons for our annual budget to continue running the project during 2021. The current level of support by a single Patron starts at $90,000 p.a. The actual amount would depend on the intensity and scope of activities and channels used for the ongoing project and for the creation of content about your brand.


As our project is state-sponsored, all or a part of your annual Patronage may be considered a donation, which would make it tax-deductible for your business under the U.S. Tax Code.

With your support, gifted and talented individuals, students, and young professionals from around the world will find their way to success in Boston, Massachusetts, and New England.

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COVID-19 Pandemic Effect

As is the case with every company, the coronavirus pandemic has adversely affected our operations and reduced the aid we have been receiving from different sources, including our state government. Therefore, we rely on your Patronage more than ever and would appreciate your multi-year commitment.

Additional information can be provided by private appointment: please contact us or call our Management Team at +1.617.500.0050 (10 am – 5 pm EST, Mon-Fri).